"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
It is very important to share the love of Jesus with a child from birth. All children are a gift from God and deserve extra special care which we strive to offer here at Sunnyside. We provide childcare from birth to 2 years old for all services.
When you drop off your child at our nursery, we realize that you are leaving one of life’s most precious gifts in our care. Our nursery is a safe and clean environment staffed by experienced caregivers. We are confident that our facilities will enable you to attend any Sunday School class or service with peace of mind knowing that your child is well cared for. All volunteers have current background checks.
The Nursery can be a child's first step toward a relationship with Christ. As infants and toddlers learn to trust those who take care of them, their hearts prepare to have faith in God, Who loves and cares for them.
Playtime activities introduce children to biblical truths and allow parents to continue teaching at home.
We provide a small pre-packaged snack for toddlers. Please let us know of any food or allergy concerns.

Sick Child Policy
Keep your child at home if any of the following symptoms are present in the 24 hours prior to church: fever (without fever reducing medication), vomiting, diarrhea, persistent productive cough, discolored runny nose, or sore throat. Sunnyside Baptist Church reserves the right to request immediate pick up for a child deemed to be too ill for nursery. Parents will also be requested to pick up children early who become ill during the services.
Please note that while we do all we can to limit the transmission of illness, many childhood diseases are contagious before they are symptomatic.
If you have any questions concerning our policy, feel free to give the church a call or send us an email.
Questions you may have
What are the regular Nursery hours?
Sunday Mornings: 9:00 AM–11:30am
Registration is not necessary for Sunday morning Nursery.
What is available on Sunday Evenings?
Sunday PM Nursery: 6:00–7:00 PM
Childcare for babies and toddlers up to age 2 is offered when we have Sunday evening services. Parents are expected to remain on campus and attend the service.
What is available on Wednesday evening?
Wednesday PM Nursery: 6:30–8:00 PM
We provide childcare for babies and toddlers up to age 2 during scheduled Wednesday evening activities. Parents must remain on campus, either participating in a ministry program, Bible Study, or volunteering.
Do I need to bring anything for my child?
Bring a labeled diaper bag with disposable diapers, a change of clothes, a labeled pacifier, and a filled and labeled bottle or sippy cup.
What security measures are in place? How can I keep in touch?
We will use a parent’s mobile phone number to notify you by text if needed in the Nursery.
Children receive a unique security tag each time they are checked in at our nursery.
Parents receive a matching tag with the child's security number to show at pick-up.
I’m new to Sunnyside. Is there anything I should do first?
Welcome! Stop by the Children’s Welcome Desk. We’ll be glad to help you register your child and find the Nursery.
Have a new baby, or are you expecting?
We’d love to welcome you and provide helpful information about the Nursery.